Adding and Creating Tags

Adding and Creating Tags

As Organizers and Volunteers of an organization, we are managing a variety of relationships at once. While it is essential to keep your constituency updated on happenings, actions, resources, and new information pertaining to the community, there will be the case when your goal is to target specific groups within this base of members. Other times, we may want to flag our contacts for future reference and faster lookup. Whether your Contact needs accommodation for language, transportation or are involved in multiple campaigns with your organization, there is no limit to the usage of "Tags" as labels to organize your membership. Tags are an excellent way to organize your volunteers and this article will talk you through how to add tags to different people. We will provide some best practices around using tags. 

Creating a New Tag

  1. Click on the People button on the left hand side of the screen.

  1. Click on the Tags dropdown on the top right hand corner of the screen and then click Manage Tags. The Manage Tags button will appear anywhere in Empower where you can add tags.

  1. Click on the Create Tag button the top right corner of the screen.

  1. In the Label box, you can create a name for the tag. In the Description box, you can add information about the tag. This information should help organizers understand which volunteers they should assign this tag.

  1. You should not be able to add this tag to different people.

Adding Tags to a New Person

  1. If you want to add one person at a time, click People in the left hand menu then Add then Add Person.

  1. Under Select tags, choose the tags you want to apply to this new contact.

  1. If you are adding multiple contacts in bulk, select People from the left hand menu then select Add then Import from CSV.

  1. Follow the instructions to bulk import your contacts.
    1. If each contact has different tags, add them to the CSV directly in the tags column, separated by semicolons. Tags are not case-sensitive. Any tags that do not already exist in the organization will be created when you upload the file.
    2. If all contacts in your import should have the same tags, add them to the field that says Select tags in Step 3.

Assigning Someone to an Existing Tag

  1. To add a tag to someone, you first have to locate their page. Use either the Home, the My Actions or the People tabs to find someone’s page.
  2. Once you’ve located their page, you should see an Add Tags button under their name. Click this button.

  1. If you are looking to assign someone to an existing tag, check the box next to the tag where you would like to assign them.

  1. Then click update tags to assign them to an existing tag.

Bulk Adding Tags from the People Page

  1. Click on the People tab.

  1. Select the people that you would like to tag using the checkboxes. You can use the Filter button to help create the desired group of people that you would like to tag.

  1. Click on Bulk Actions and then select Add or Remove Tags.

  1. If your tag is already created, you should be able to find it in the Select Tag box. You can then choose if you would like to Add or Remove the tag from the group that you created. Click on the + button if you would like to add/remove any additional tags. Click Apply to add/remove the tags from the group that you selected.

  1. If you still need to create the tag that you would like to add, click the Manage Tags button. Next click on Create Tags. You will then be prompted to create a new tag. Once you've created your new tag, you should be able to find it in the Select Tag box. You can then Apply your new tag to the group that you have created

Adding Tags through an Import

  1. Click People from the left hand menu then select Tags then Apply Tags via CSV Import.
  1. Follow the formatting directions listed on the screen. You will have to import your tags using a formatted CSV file. For each person you would like to add tags for, you will have to locate their EID, which is the person's unique ID in Empower. You can find the EID on the person's page in Empower.
  2. Once you have formatted your CSV file, you can upload it to Empower to add tags to the people that you have included in your CSV file.

Some Best Practices for Using Tags

  1. Tags are a great tool for managing your volunteers. One way we’ve seen organizations successfully use tags is to assign them based on the issues that inspire their volunteers. For example, you could create a tag for environmental justice and assign it to all of your volunteers who indicated that they were interested in environmental justice. With this information, you can see how many of your volunteers are interested in a specific issue and make recruitment decisions based off of this data (i.e. “Maybe we need to recruit more volunteers who are passionate about criminal justice reform”). Additionally, you can target calls to action based off of tags. If you have issue based tags, you can give volunteers interested in an issue a specific call to action.

  1. You can also create tags based on geographic location. While many organizations choose to assign regions based on geographic location, you can get even more precise with tags - for example, use regions for different cities and tags for specific neighborhoods. In assigning tags for specific locations, you will be able to see the number of volunteers for specific areas and you will be able to assign specific calls to action to volunteers based on location. If you are assigning volunteers to cover specific geographic locations, tags can be a very helpful tool.
  2. Another way that we’ve seen organizations assign tags successfully is based on engagement. Some organizations will create tags based on the level or amount that someone is engaging. This could look like creating a super volunteer tag for volunteers who are extremely active in your campaign. Or, you could create different levels of volunteer engagement (based on numbers, letters, or titles) and tags based on those levels. You can also assign tags based on how volunteers like to engage. In your First Call to Action, you can ask new volunteers how they like to engage and then assign them a tag based on their response. This way, you can create specific Calls to Action that align with how the volunteers prefer to engage.
  3. Assigning a tag to every volunteer who attended a specific event or training can also be helpful. You can then target your communications and Calls to Action to individuals who attended the training or event.
Adding tags will allow for easier management and coordination among your relational organizing campaign.

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