Advanced Calls to Action

Advanced Calls to Action

This article will walk you through creating an Advanced Call to Action.

What is an Advanced Call to Action?

Unlike Standard CTA’s, Advanced Calls to Action have a start and an end date, and they can be targeted at different users using filters. Advanced CTA’s allow you to create more targeted CTA’s that can be focused on different phases of your organizing campaign. 

Some ways that you can use the Advanced Call to Action feature:
  • When you want to direct your call to action to a specific subset of people. You will create this group using Filters.
  • When you want to use a time-bound call to action. A time bound call to action is a CTA that is live for a specific window of time, the CTA expires. Using the Advanced Call to Action feature, you can pick when the CTA will go and live and when it will expire.

Creating an Advanced Call to Action

  1. Log into the Empower Web App. Click on the Calls to Action button on the left hand side of the screen.

  1. Next, click on the New Call to Action button.

  1. Under What kind of action will Volunteers take?, select the type of Call to Action that you would like to use.

  1. Then add your content for the Call to Action in the Content section, such as an engaging title and instructions for your volunteers in the body.
  1. Under the Scheduling and Training section of the Create a Call to Action page, you will be able to select Additional Advanced Call to Action.

  1. Under Which Leaders should see this call to action, you can set a single filter, or a combination of filters to further target who receives your new call to action.

  1. You can set a specific time and date for your Call to Action to go live. Select As soon as I submit the form if you would like your new Call to Action to go live immediately. If you want to select a specific time in the future, enter a time and date in the At a specific time in the future box.
  2. With the Advanced Call to Action feature, you can also choose for your Calls to Action to be live until a specific date. You can select a date and time when your new Call to Action will expire by populating a date and time in the box under the When should it expire? question.

  • After you have completed the Advanced Additional Calls to Action section of the Create a Call to Action page, you can add a conversation starter (conversation starter message), include reminders (Automated Mass Messages section), select priority contacts for your volunteers to reach out to first (Which of their contacts should Leaders prioritize talking to? section). 
  • Click the Publish Now button to launch your new Call to Action.

Best Practices for Advanced Call to Action

    1. One commonly used Advanced Call to Action feature is adding a filter, or a combination of filters, to a Call to Action. This will allow you to pick a specific list of volunteers to receive a call to action. You can create filters based on: join date, region, role, assigned to, size of contact list, has contacts in state(s), has call to action response, tags, has contact tags, city, state, and zip code. Here are a few ways that organizations have used advanced calls to action before:
      • Let’s add three examples here
        • Example 1: You have an event on August 1st, and you want to ensure that you stop recruiting for that event on July 30th so you can do confirmation calls a few days beforehand. You would launch an advanced relational CTA on July 15th, build until July 30th, and then launch a separate relational CTA for the 30th, 31st and August 1st to confirm those event attendees. Using filters, you can target this at the event host, and organizers in the geographical region that the event is happening in. 
        • Example 2: Absentee ballots are sent out on October 1st and need to be postmarked by November 2nd. You can launch an advanced relational CTA in September reminding people that they need to request their mail in ballots, and then have a separate advanced relational CTA that goes live when voters receive their ballots asking them to return their ballots and walking them through how and where they can return them. 
        • Example 3: You have an Open Canvassing CTA for high traffic canvassing at a community event. Using filters, you could target your CTA to people tagged as “open canvassers” that will be joining you at the community event, and have an end date for the next day so you can easily track what event you collected those news contacts because it is an event-specific open canvassing CTA.
    1. We recommend having a new relational Call to Action at least every two weeks so you can regularly engage your volunteers and their networks, and with every new CTA you should see a bump in your organizations growth - whether that’s through new volunteers, event attendees or new supporters. 
    Advanced Calls to Action will allow you to be even more strategic and intentional when leading a group of dedicated volunteers to an important organizing goal.

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