Clone a Call to Action

Clone a Call to Action

This article will walk you through cloning a Call to Action.

Cloning a Call to Action

  1. Log into the Empower Web App. Click on the Calls to Action button on the left hand side of the screen.

  1. Find the Call to Action you wish to clone and select Actions and then Clone

  1. If you have permissions to create Calls to Action in more than one organization, you can change the organization you are cloning the Call to Action to by clicking Change Organization. You need to do this before you make any edits to the Call to Action, or the edits will not be saved.

  1. Make any adjustments as needed to the Call to Action, then press Save or Publish Now at the bottom to save or publish the new Call to Action.

Cloning Calls to Action can save you time in creating new Calls to Action. Cloning also makes it easy to manage programs across multiple organizations in Empower.

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