Prioritize Using Saved Lists in VAN

Prioritize Using Saved Lists in VAN

You can use Empower to target Relational Calls to Action to lists of people that you have created in VAN. There are a number of different ways that you can group people in VAN (e.g. geographic location or absentee vote request status). Empower allows you to target calls to action at these specific groups.

Make sure the Saved List you want in Empower is already set-up and saved in VAN before you get started.

Targeting a Call to Action at a List of People Saved in Van

  1. Click on Calls to Action

  1. Select New Calls to Action

  1. Select Relational Calls to Action. If you need additional support creating this Relational Call to Action check out this article.

  1. Scroll down to the Which of their contacts should Volunteer prioritize talking to section. Select Decide Based on Tags or VAN Saved list.

  1. Next, click on Choose a Saved List

  1. You will be able to find the name of your VAN saved list.
  2. You can add a label to these Contacts that the Volunteers will see when they pull them up in Empower. Your label can describe the list of members that Volunteers will be targeted (e.g. High Priority).

  1. You can add the same label to multiple lists. The Volunteer will just see the one sub-header that contains all of the contacts under that sub-header.
  2. If a contact qualifies for multiple labels, they will be sorted under the label with the highest priority. You can adjust the priority of the labels using the arrows in the priority column.

If you use the High Priority, Medium Priority, and Low Priority Labels, double check that they are in the correct priority order. High priority should be at the top.

  • You can target your call to action at multiple saved lists 

  • Click Add to target your Relational Call to Action at this VAN list.

What the VAN Saved List Labels Look Like for Volunteers

This is what the Volunteer sees on a Contact who is on a saved VAN list with a label. In this example, the Contact has been given a “High Priority” label.

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