Responding to Calls to Action

Responding to Calls to Action

As an Organizer or Director, you are constantly thinking about your management of volunteers. While this is key, there may also be times when you need to step in, take actions, and respond to calls to action. This article will show you how to respond to calls to action as a Director or Organizer.

Responding to Calls to Action

  1. Click on the Actions tab in the Empower Mobile App

  1. This will take you to all of your Active Calls to Action. Calls to Action on your Personal List tab (or all Calls to Action for organizations using Tasks) look the same as they will for Volunteers. If your organization is using Organizer Follow Up Calls to Action, those will appear on the Volunteers tab.

  1. Find the call to action and click the purple button in the middle of the Call to Action to engage with it. The example below is a Relational call to action, so the purple button says Reach Out.

  1. You will see an informational page that provides additional content about the call to action. You will see the title, subtitle, and content of the call to action. Click Next.

  1. Next you will see a page that guides you through having a conversation with a new contact. This should be helpful information for new Organizers/Volunteers. Click Next.  

  1. You will see your list of contacts. You can either select one of the contacts, or add a new contact by clicking the Add Person button. 
  2. If you click on one of your contacts, you will be taken to their contact page. You can directly reach out to the contact.

  1. You will see the prompts from the call to action. You can record their responses to the Call to Action in the app
  2. There is also a notes section for you to leave any other notes about the contact.

  1. Click Finish to submit the outreach. 
  2. Check out more information on each type of call to action below. In each article, the bottom section will show you how to respond to that call to action in the mobile app:
Volunteers respond to calls to action almost identically. For Volunteers, the call to action will appear on their homepage in the mobile app. They will not have to click on the Personal List button.

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