Setting Up and Editing Regions

Setting Up and Editing Regions

This article will discuss setting up regions within your Empower organization and also editing those regions. Regions are an optional feature of Empower, but they can be used powerfully to organize your volunteers and people. You can target calls to action based on specific regions and assign organizers to manage specific regions. While many organizations create regions based off of geographic location, there are a number of ways that you can organize them (e.g. creating a Spanish language region).

Setting Up Regions

  1. Start by clicking on the Organization button on the left hand side of the screen on the Empower App.

  1. Scroll down to the Regions section and select Manage Regions.

  1. Click on the Create Region button.

  1. You can add a Name and a Description for the new region.

  2. When you create a new region, you will also have a chance to edit the region specific invite link. When a new volunteer signs up with Empower using this link, they will automatically be added to this region. You can edit this invite link to reflect the name of the region or to help you distinguish this region from others. Check out our article on Using Invite Links to learn more.

  3. Click Create Region to set up the new region.

Editing Regions

  1. To edit regions, click on Organization from the left hand side of the screen on the Empower App.

  1. Scroll down to the Regions section and click Manage Regions.

  1. Under the Action column on the right hand side of the screen, click Edit next to the region that you would like to edit.

  1. You can edit the Name, Description, or Invite Link for your existing region.

Best Practices

  1. Regions are an optional, but powerful tool for organizing your volunteers and people. With tags, you can assign volunteers and contacts multiple tags. It’s also very easy to add and remove tags from an individual. Unlike tags, regions are exclusive - someone can only be assigned to one region. While you can change a volunteer or contacts region, it can be easier to assign regions based on something that is likely to not change during your organizing campaign. That’s why many organizing programs assign regions based on geographic location
  2. Using regions can streamline the call to action process. If you are strategic about assigning regions, it can be very easy to give specific calls to action based on region. 
  3. Employing the use of regions can be a helpful management tool for your organizing campaign. Organizers can manage calls to action in a region (or multiple regions). If you would like organizers (instead of just Directors) to manage calls to actions and volunteers, we recommend using Regions. Organizers will own the Calls to Action for the regions that they manage - they can manage multiple regions at once. You can assign a new Director or Organizer to a region when manually creating a new user, or by editing their profile.
Regions will allow you to further organize and manage your volunteers and people, helping with more effective coordination and mobilization.

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