Setting Up Your First Call to Action

Setting Up Your First Call to Action

This article will walk you through creating your Intro Call to Action. Your Intro Call to Action will be the first thing Volunteers will be asked to complete once they sign in to the Empower App.  After completing an introduction and demo with an Empower trainer, we recommend editing your organization and custom pages before setting up your Introductory Call to Action. That way, volunteers will be able to see an initial message from you and they will be able to read some background information about your organization. Intro Calls to Action are an important first point of contact with your volunteers that will help you set them up for success in your organizing program.

Setting Up Your Intro Call to Action

  1. Click on the Calls to Action button on the left hand side of the Empower Web App.

  1. You will see Intro Call to Action on the top of the screen.
  2. Set how long you would like this Intro Call to Action to remain active on a new volunteer’s Empower app, using the drop down menu next to New people see the intro call to action. To disable intro call to action’s, click never (disable the intro call to action).

  3. You can edit an existing Intro Call to Action by clicking on the Edit button. If you would like to change the type of Intro Call to Action, you will have to click Replace to make those changes.

  1. Click the Replace button to add an Intro Call to Action. There is default language - “What issues are important to you?” - in the Intro Call to Action box, so for you to set up a custom Intro Call to Action, you will click replace.

    1. First, you are asked to select which type of Call to Action that you would like to select for your Intro Call to Action. We recommend a Personal Call to Action for your intro because this type of Call to Action asks volunteers to answer prompts themselves and allows them to become familiar with using the app. 

    1. Under the Content section:

      1. Give your Intro Call to Action a title in the Title box. Write your title like you are giving a direction to a volunteer. We recommend starting with a verb.

      2. In the Subtitle box, say why this call to Action is important! This should help inspire your volunteers to get started.

      3. Provide additional information for your volunteers in the body section. You should provide some additional context and information for your volunteers in this section. The body of your CTA is what volunteers will read to help guide their work!

  1. Under the Prompt(s) for Leaders to talk about during their outreach, you can add questions for volunteers to ask contacts.

    1. To add a question, click on the Add Prompt button.

    2. You can write your own question by selecting Create new prompt. Also, you can use a VAN Survey Question.

    3. For creating your own prompt, add the question that you would like volunteers to ask new contacts in the Prompt box.

    4. For the answer type, you can choose either a Single answer or Multiple answers. Select Single answer when you are only looking for one answer to the question. Select Multiple answers when there can be more than one answer to the question that your volunteers are posing. 

    5. Add your answer options in the Answer boxes.

    6. Click Add Prompt. You will have to repeat this process for each question that you would like to add.

  1. Click Publish Now to launch your Intro Call to Action.

Some Best Practices for Your Intro Call to Action

  1. Your Intro Call to Action should be more general and informative. Volunteers and their contacts are just starting to engage with your organization. You should use this initial touchpoint to describe your work and learn more about them.
  2. The content of your Intro Call to Action should remain relevant. This sets a first impression with volunteers and potentially their network of friends, family members, neighbors, and acquaintances.
  3. If you select a Relational Call to Action, keep in mind that the prompts that you develop  will be the first encounter that many contacts have with your organizing program.
  4. We recommend planning your Intro Call to Action as part of a series of other Calls to Action. If, for example, you ask your volunteers what other activities they would like to do and they select "Open Canvassing,” then you can tag those volunteers and target future Open Canvassing CTA's at them.
  5. A common Intro Call to Action is asking volunteers to respond to the question “What issue is important to you?” This is a great question, because it tells you more about your new volunteer and gives you a sense of what is bringing them to your organizing campaign.

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