Using Invite Links

Using Invite Links

Directors, Organizers, and Volunteers use Empower to keep track of the conversations they are having in their community. When connections are made and motives become clear, Organizers and Volunteers can begin prospecting individuals as Volunteers for the organization. Prospecting usually begins with having a 1-1 with the individual, followed by a commitment to follow up. It is once the 1-1 has occurred, allowing you to connect and understand an individual’s motive, that we can begin to start making asks of the person. As these individuals begin to commit to asks and helping with actions, they too will have to begin the practice of keeping up with conversations in their network. As a Director, Organizer, or Volunteer, you have the capability to invite these new Volunteers to Empower, and assign them an Organizer to check in with regularly. We will describe each type of invite link that you can send and tell you how to access each of them. Using invite links strategically is a great way to automatically assign new volunteers to specific organizers or regions.

  1. We recommend using this type of link if you want to assign your new volunteer to a specific organizer. Organizers play an important role in organizing programs; they can help manage volunteers in responding to calls to action. If you know you want to assign a new volunteer to a specific organizer, we recommend using this type or invite link. To access this type of invite link:
    1. Organizers can find invite links by clicking on the Invite Links button the left hand side of the screen. Directors can find them under Organization on the left hand side of the screen then clicking Invite Links.

    1. Locate the section titled Organizers’ Personal Invite Links. In this section you will see the names of different organizers in your organization 

    1. Copy the Invite Link for the organizer that you would like to assign your new volunteer. This organizer will likely be the point of contact for this new volunteer. Clicking the icon to the right of the invite link will copy the link
    2. Send the invite link to the new volunteer. If the volunteer uses that invite link to create an Empower account, they automatically be assigned to the Organizer whose link they copied

  1. You can assign new volunteers to specific regions with an invite link. Regions are an optional, but powerful tool that you can use to organize your volunteers. You can organize and assign specific calls to action to particular regions. It can be helpful to assign a new volunteer to a region and when a new volunteer signs up for Empower using a region specific invite link, they will automatically be assigned to a region. To access region specific invite links:
    1. Organizers can find invite links by clicking on the Invite Links button the left hand side of the screen. Directors can find them under Organization on the left hand side of the screen then clicking Invite Links.

    1. Locate the section titled Region Invite Links. In this section you will see the names of different regions in your organization 

    1. Copy the Invite Link for the region where you would like to assign your new volunteer. Clicking the icon to the right of the invite link will copy the link
    2. Send the invite link to the new volunteer. If the volunteer uses that invite link to create an Empower account, they will automatically be assigned to the region that you selected

  1. If you don’t have a specific preference for which organizer or which region your new volunteer is assigned to, you can use the organization invite links. When a new volunteer signs up using an organization invite link, they will be assigned to your organization in Empower. After using an organization invite link, a new volunteer will be assigned to a default region. Organizers will take turns being assigned volunteers who sign up with organization invite links (each organizer will be assigned one before receiving another new volunteer who signs up using an organization invite link). To access an organization invite link:
    1. Organizers can find invite links by clicking on the Invite Links button the left hand side of the screen. Directors can find them under Organization on the left hand side of the screen then clicking Invite Links.

    1. Locate the section titled Organization Invite Link 

    1. Copy the Invite Link for your organization 
    2. Send the invite link to the new volunteer. If the volunteer uses that invite link to create an Empower account, they will be assigned to your organization
When you promote a contact to become a volunteer, there is a specific invite link you should send them. If you just send the new volunteer an organizer, region, or organization specific invite link, they will be added to Empower as a duplicate (they will appear under both Contact and Volunteer). To find the link to use for someone who was promoted from contact to volunteer, go to the person’s volunteer page. Click More and then click Invite them to Empower. You should see an invite link to send them. If the volunteer signs up for Empower using this link, their contact information should transfer to their Volunteer account. A duplicate will not be created. If the volunteer was promoted through a bulk role change, you can still find their invite link on their volunteer page by clicking on the More button. You will be asked to add either a phone number and email to create an invite link for this volunteer. Enter this information and Empower will create an invite link that you can send this new volunteer.

Invite links are an excellent way to strategically manage new volunteers and ensure that organizers can strategically reach out and build relationships with them.

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