Taking Bulk Actions

Taking Bulk Actions

This article will show you how to take bulk actions and make changes to multiple Empower accounts at once. We will also provide some best practices around using bulk actions and we will describe some instances where you may want to take bulk actions. 

Selecting People for a Bulk Action

  1. Sign into your Empower web app. On the homepage, select People from the left hand menu.

  1. Directors will see all of the Organizers and Directors in your organizing campaign while organizers will see all of the Volunteers they are responsible for reaching out to. You can change the setting to see just the Volunteers, Contacts, or everyone (click All button) you have permissions to view.

  1. Create your group for this bulk action. You can either individually select people on your page, or if you click the empty box next to the Name button, you will select everyone on that page. 

    1. To select everyone on all pages, click the box next to the Name button. You will then see Select all X NUMBER people on all pages below the Filter button. Click on the Select all X NUMBER people on all pages to select everyone on all pages.

    1. The Filter button can be extremely helpful in creating the right group for your bulk action. Click on the Filter button and choose from one of the filters that will help you refine your group.

    Types of Bulk Action

    Once you’ve selected your group for this bulk action, click the Bulk Actions button. You will see a dropdown list of bulk actions that you can take.

    Below, you will find a explanation of the different types of Bulk Actions that you can take.

    Add or Remove Tags

    1. Once you click on Bulk Action and then select Add or remove tags you will be able to both add or remove tags to a larger group of people. To add or remove a tag, select either Add or Remove, then find the existing tag that you would like to add to this group of people. By clicking on the + button, you can add or remove multiple for the same group of people at once.  If you would like to create a new tag for this group of people, click the Manage Tag button and follow the prompts to create a new tag. Once you have created a new tag, you will be able to find it in the select tag box and you can then bulk add it to the group that you have created. You can read more about adding tags in our article Adding and Creating Tags.


    1. After clicking the Bulk Action button and choosing Delete, you will be able to select people to delete from Empower. Double check the group of people that you are looking to delete - once you permanently delete someone from Empower, this can’t be undone. Make sure you filter out contacts (especially personal contacts) before doing a bulk delete - you don’t want to accidentally delete somebody’s mom! You can use the Role and Contact Relationship filters to exclude personal contacts. If you are looking to delete someone from Empower who has users and contacts assigned to them, you can select people to reassign these users and contacts to. If you select multiple people, the users and contacts will be equally divided among the people that you select.

    Set a Region

    1. By clicking Bulk Action and then selecting Set region, you can reassign a bulk group of users to a new region. It’s good to remember that users can only be assigned to one region. If you do choose to reassign someone to a new region, knowledge of what region they were in previously will be permanently lost.

    Assign to Person

    1. Clicking on Bulk Action and Assign to person will allow you to reassign users and contacts to a new person in Empower. You can select one person to reassign your selected group to, or you can choose multiple people. If you choose multiple people, the users and contacts will be evenly divided among the people that you select. Double check your selection here - you don’t want to accidentally reassign personal contacts to someone else. You can use the Role and Contact Relationship filters to exclude personal contacts.

    Change Role

    1. Selecting Bulk Action and Change Role will allow you to change a group of people’s role at once. Here are some important things to remember if you are looking to bulk change roles for a group of people:

    1. When you are bulk changing someone’s role, remember that you are either giving this group of people more or less permission within Empower. Specifically, when you are promoting people to Director, remember that you are giving them full control of your organization in Empower. Check out this article on Understanding Roles and Permissions to deepen your understanding of the permissions of each role in Empower. 
    2. Users with people assigned to them, or users who have logged into Empower can’t be demoted to a contact. If you promote someone from contact to a higher role, you will not be able to demote them back.
    3. Contacts can only be promoted to Organizer or Director if they have a phone or email. They will need this information to login to their Empower account.
    4. If you are demoting Organizers and Directors to Volunteer, you will have to assign them to someone. You can pick multiple people to assign the new Volunteers to and the new Volunteers will be divided equally among them.
    5. If you demote an Organizer to Volunteer and they have other Organizers assigned to them, then these Organizers will become unassigned. If the demoted Organizer has any Volunteers assigned to them then the Volunteers will stay assigned to them after their role has changed.
    6. If you demote a Director to Organizer, then any Director assigned to them will become unassigned. If they have Organizers assigned to them, they will remain assigned to them, even after their role has changed. If you demote a Director to Volunteer, all of the Directors and Organizers that they are assigned will go unassigned, while they will continue to be assigned to any Volunteers that are currently under them.   

    Send Mass Message

    1. You can easily send a mass message to everyone with the currently selected filters on the People page using bulk actions. First, apply your filters to show the list of people you would like to message. Note that you can only send mass messages to Volunteers, Organizers and Directors. Mass messages will never be sent to Contacts.
    2. Next, select everyone with the current filters by selecting the checkbox next to the Name column and then press Select all N matching people to select everyone with those filters. Mass messages cannot be sent to a subset of people matching those filters, so do not use the checkboxes to manually select or deselect specific people.

    1. Select Bulk Actions then Send mass message. This will open the mass messages page with the filters already pre-filled. You can continue to adjust the filters and other settings from the Mass Messages page before sending or scheduling your mass messages. For more information on how to do this, see our Mass Messages article.

      Best Practices for Taking Bulk Action

      1. A common bulk action is assigning a tag to multiple people. Tags are a great tool for managing volunteers. You can assign tags to people for a number of different purposes. Some commonly used tags are issue area of interest, geography, or level of engagement. To learn more about tags, check out our Adding and Creating Tags article.
      2. Another commonly used bulk action is changing a number of peoples’ roles at once. If you want to promote multiple volunteers to organizer, you can do this through the bulk action feature.

      Using the Bulk Action feature will allow you to manage your network more efficiently.

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